If you regularly read my blogs, I often talk about “being productive” but what do I mean by this?
I will explain it for you …
If you search in the dictionary, you will find “producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities. “The classic productivity definition is a way to measure efficiency.” In an economic context, productivity is how to measure the output that comes from units of input.
But what is productivity, and how do we calculate it in our daily lives? It is easy to produce theories and examples based on abstract units of work or numbers of plants, but your life is not a managed supply chain.
So, what is productivity?
It is getting the results you want with less time and effort. When you are trying to understand how to be productive, what you are really seeking is a way to achieve your goals while having time to spend on what matters. “We’re living through an economic revolution,”
What is productivity to you?
Why do you want to increase your productivity? The most obvious answer that will probably come to mind is that you’d like more free time to do the things you enjoy doing. If you are able to reach your goals sooner, that leaves you time to set and achieve other goals, whether that’s relaxing with a book or learning a new skill. As a bonus, if you accomplish tasks with more ease and frequency, you’ll see a decrease in life stressors – rather than running around trying to get everything done, you’ll see your duties completed in a timely manner.
Productivity is about focusing on the right tasks and getting them done
How can you be more productive?
There is a big difference between movement and achievement; while to-do lists guarantee that you feel accomplished in completing tasks, they do not ensure that you move closer to your ultimate goals. There are many ways to increase your productivity; the key is choosing the ones that are right for you and your ultimate goals.
As you work toward becoming more productive, you will cut down on wasted time and you will get back to focusing on what it is you really care about.
How can you be more productive?
There is a big difference between movement and achievement; while to-do lists guarantee that you feel accomplished in completing tasks, they do not ensure that you move closer to your ultimate goals. There are many ways to increase your productivity; the key is choosing the ones that are right for you and your ultimate goals.
As you work toward becoming more productive, you will cut down on wasted time and you will get back to focusing on what it is you really care about.
How can I help you?
How to watch my blog category Productivity. Here I place specific blogs that help you with tips and tricks for working more productively with the tools offered from Micorosft Office 365.
Otherwise I love to give a presentation about this topic. So please feel free to contact me.
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