The first month is already passed in 2020 when I start writing this article. We left a decade and for me very productive year not a sportive year.
At the end of 2019 I have had some free time with my family and toke some time to review my goals. For me 2019 was a very busy year. At the end of 2018 said “yes” to some opportunities which later in the year 2019 resulted in some annoying situations. In 2020 I want to take a good look at these decisions and reconsider them.
In 2020 I have chosen to change my yearly goals. In the past I choose for a professional, personal and family goals.
In 2020 I choose for 4 primary focus goals, all the small goals for 2020 will be part of the 4 main goals. So, I can be focusing on the 4 main goals.
The Year 2019
Let me first start to review 2019. It was the year of movement, after 2 years of waiting and waiting it was time to move over to our brand-new house. In almost 3 weeks we moved from a bare house with only concrete walls to a full house. In the summer of 2019, we laid out a garden from a piece of building land to an extension of our living room. And yes, we are happy to live in our house! We have still some things to do, but these can be done later.
In 2019 I have been inspired to start building my own small company and start working on something new, it was also the year we’re I stopped with my weekly radio show for the local radio and focus me on creating podcasts.
The year 2019 in numbers
- I published 18 podcasts, some personal, but the most for Come get it.
- I wrote 12 blog articles for different platforms including this blog.
- Read 10 books, these are audio and paperback versions.
- Visited 8 conferences in the Netherlands.
- Travelled to 4 different country’s in Europe.
- Did 8 presentations internal, but also external.
- My first contribution in a book The Byte-Sized by Bas van Kaam and Christiaan Brinkhoff (
- I ride 66,31 km on my race bike. (Very Bad!)
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